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Abundant Grace Church
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Visit our services: Sunday Worship Service 10:00am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm Sunday Children's Ministry 10:30am


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127 Rockingham Rd

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(603) 432-0510

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John 15:5 - I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.


Church Decorations


We will be having our Resurrection Sunday Service on April 21st beginning at 10am. There will be a message about the resurrection of Jesus with several special performances. We invite you to join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!


Our church is looking for an experienced guitar player. The church is located on Rt. 28 in Derry NH. If anyone knows anyone please let us know. Just call or text Pastor Sean. His number is 603-820-6177. God bless you!


Isaiah 7:14 - Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.


There will be a Family Fun Night at Abundant Grace Church on Monday December 31st starting at 7pm until midnight. During our event we will be viewing a Christian movie, playing board games, prayer, and fellowship! Please bring snacks and drinks, and a game to play.


To listen to one of our radio broadcasts, click on the link located below.


1 John 5:14-15 - And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.


Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Philippians 2:3-4 - Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.


Phillipians 2:2-3 - Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.


ROGER AND KELLIE’S JOURNEY When Roger and I met a little over three years ago, neither one of us were walking with the Lord. Roger grew up very Catholic. He was taught by his parents about God and went to church every Sunday but he never heard about being born again or having a personal relationship with Jesus. I on the other hand was born again (thanks to my mother) and had a relationship with Jesus. Unfortunately, I was backslidden a ‘prodigal daughter’ at the time that we met. We both went through difficult divorces and were looking for that special someone we could start life over with. I know Roger would agree with me that we did find that special someone in each other. We meshed very well together and asked each other jokingly, “where were you 25 years ago?” I believe there are times that divorce cannot be avoided because we are human and live in a fallen world. I also believe God forgives and is in the restoration business, but I can now understand why He hates divorce. Roger and I had to overcome many obstacles that come with divorce and starting over in a new relationship, as anyone who has gone through a divorce and has started over with a new partner would understand. There are emotional and mental issues such as his children her children, finances, ex spouses etc. that can all add stress and hinder the new relationship from growing in a healthy direction. There were times when these obstacles would pop their ugly heads and exhaust us to the point where we didn’t think we would make it. These same obstacles were causing me and drawing me back to my heavenly Father whom I had run from not so long ago. As the obstacles came and went, Roger and I began to talk about God more and more. To my surprise he was very open to God/Jesus and would listen eagerly to me when I would try to explain the stories of the Bible to him, what it meant to be born again or as he would call it ‘re born ‘ ! We began watching Joyce Meyer on t.v. and even considered finding a church. The subject of marriage began surfacing too. He wanted to get married and I wanted to ‘make it right before God’. So on July 17, 2015 we ‘made it legal’ and began our slow return to God. After we ‘made it legal’, we still hadn’t found a church to go to, though I often talked to Roger about going to Abundant Grace, as that’s where I use to go. I knew Roger would love Pastor Sean, he was young, full of passion and energy but we all know how ‘busy’ life can get. We put it off and planned on eventually going to church one day soon. Keep in mind, Roger was still not born again, that was something we would eventually get around to as well. Approximately three weeks after we were married, it was his daughter’s birthday. We went out for dinner to celebrate. When we got home, Roger said to me, ‘I don’t feel well, my head hurts’. I figured he was tired from work and dehydrated so I gave him some water and Advil. As he was getting ready to go to bed, I noticed he was dropping things as if his hands couldn’t hold onto things. Again, I figured he was tired from work etc. He went to bed, woke up the next morning and seemed fine. He went to work as normal, didn’t complain to me about a thing. I went to work as well. Around 12:00 that afternoon on August 7, 2015 (I will never forget that day!), Roger called me. Roger is a hard worker, old school and hardly ever makes calls during work hours, so when I saw it was him calling me, I was a bit alarmed, but didn’t make too much out of it. He told me he was leaving work and going to the hospital, he didn’t feel well. When I asked him what was happening, he told me he had slurred speech, couldn’t write and extreme numbness in his right hand. I immediately thought he was having a stroke! I advised him to get right home and I would be on my way to take him to the hospital. When Roger and I entered the ER of Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, NH and told them of his symptoms, there was no waiting in the ER to be seen by a doctor, they immediately came out with a wheelchair and took him right in. At this point I was still thinking it was a stroke, he had all the symptoms. They ordered a CAT scan for Roger. As we waited for the results, Roger and I were joking, and talking with each other as we normally do. Roger and his son Andy work together for the same plumbing company. It was inevitable that his son would eventually find out that his dad had left work early that day, something Roger never does! Roger, is your typical man, didn’t want to make a fuss about being at the hospital and asked me not to call Andy and tell him. I finally convinced Roger that Andy had a right to know where he was and that he would eventually find out. So I made the call to his son and he arrived at the hospital shortly after that. When Roger’s son Andy arrived we were still waiting for the CAT scan results. Finally, the doctor came in and the words that came out of her mouth changed our lives forever. She said that they found a mass on Roger’s brain. Roger, I and his son began to cry in shock. Never in a million years did we imagine this! They told us we had the option of going into Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston or Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon as Catholic Medical wasn’t equipped enough to handle his diagnosis. After trying to digest what we just heard, we decided the best place for him was at Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon as this is where his daughter was treated for Neuroblastoma years ago. Roger was rushed by ambulance to Dartmouth Hitchcock. Andy and I went back home to gather some things and make some phone calls to family and friends. One of the hardest phone calls I had to make was to Roger’s mom down in Florida. She had already lost Roger’s father in 2010 to Pancreatic Cancer, saw her granddaughter almost die of Neuroblastoma (spinal cancer) and now the news of her only son thousands of miles away, who has a mass on his brain. She immediately made plans to come up with Roger’s two sisters who also live in Florida. Andy and I arrived at Dartmouth Hitchcock around 6:00p.m.on Friday August 7, 2015. Roger had already been admitted, had an MRI and was waiting in the ER for a room, he wasn’t going home that night. Hours went by, and Roger had gone downhill since he left Catholic Medical. The pain was getting worse. The nurse had given him Morphine, even that wasn’t helping with the pain. Finally two neuro doctors came in and again confirmed there was a mass approximately the size of a golf ball on Rogers left parietal lobe and that it HAD to come out immediately. First they had to get the swelling down so they put him on steroids and scheduled his surgery to remove the mass for Monday August 10, 2015. Once Roger got into a room and was made comfortable, his son Andy and I drove the hour and fifteen minutes drive back to Manchester. Andy and I woke up early the next morning and headed back up to Dartmouth Hitchcock. I still had not even considered praying with or for Roger. Looking back now, I don’t know why. Sometimes the brain can do funny things when in shock. We walked into Roger’s room and he seemed ok, a bit better and more stable than he did the night before. I told him his mom and sisters were on their way, they ended up driving straight through from Florida because the airline tickets were too expensive for a last minute trip like that. Roger’s mom and sisters arrived around 9:00 Saturday night they got a room at a local hotel in the area and Andy and I drove home back to Manchester. Sunday morning around 8:00 Roger called me from the hospital, crying saying he just came back from another MRI and they found another mass on the top of his brain. The only way to describe what I felt after he told me the news was that my whole body was numb and on fire at the same time. I tried to console him the best I could and told him I would be there shortly. It was at this time my faith kicked back into high gear! I had no other choice but to call on Jesus. I immediately called my mom who has an amazing faith! I told her ‘mom, I can’t do this by myself, I need you! Please pack a bag we need to stay in a hotel up in Lebanon so that we can be closer to Roger’! I am so blessed and greatful to God that my mom was and is still around for me to lean on in times of great need! This is exactly how our Lord and Saviour Jesus wants us to rely on Him! Roger’s son Andy drove his own car up to the hospital that morning and my mom and I took my car. Mom and I arrived at the hospital before his son, mom and sisters which was good because they are not believers and we wanted to have some quiet time to pray with Roger. When we walked into the room, we asked Roger if he would like to become born again. He said yes and we prayed the prayer of salvation with him. My heart broke for him, he was so scared. Mom continued to pray in tongues over him. Monday August 10, 2015 arrived, the big day. Roger seemed a little more relaxed since mom and I prayed with him and he was prepped for a long, dangerous surgery which would last 3-6 hours. Of course mom and I prayed over him again while he waited to go into the OR. The surgery lasted 3 ½ hours and he came through it like a trooper, no complications! He was in the recovery room for several hours. Only his mom and I were allowed in there. His children would have to wait a bit longer to get word on how he was doing. It was difficult to watch him in there, still having the bloody bandages around his head and having to wear dark sunglasses so that the light wouldn’t affect his eyes due to a special dye used on his brain to help guide the surgeon. Roger was released from the hospital on August 13, 2015 just 6 days after being admitted. The surgeon explained to us that the mass they removed was being sent out to pathology and we would have to wait a week to hear if it was benign or malignant. While Roger was recovering at home, we prayed like we never had prayed before, trusting that the findings would be normal and everything would be ok. We went back to the neuro oncology doctor about a week later still believing all would be ok. We went into the doctor’s office and she entered the room. She was very polite, kind of unemotional and began to show us Roger’s MRI before and after the surgery saying the surgery went well and they were able to get all the mass/tumor. She proceeded to say that unfortunately the tumor findings were not good. Roger had Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4, the worst and most deadly form of brain cancer with a survival rate of 1-3 years. We looked at each other thinking Glioblastoma??? What in the world! We had never heard of such a cancer. Words cannot express the feelings that came over Roger and me at that moment! It was complete numbness and darkness as if someone shut the lights out. The doctor informed us that Roger would have to undergo 6 weeks of radiation to his brain and up to one year of chemo therapy just to keep the cancer roots (which remain in the brain as there is no way to dig them out during surgery) at bay, there was no cure, this treatment was to try and keep the cancer cells from dividing and the tumor from re-growing. The ride home was very quiet. Neither of us knew what to say. We were in utter shock. We cried a lot in the days following his diagnosis. The feelings we experienced are hard to put into words unless you yourself have gone through a similar diagnosis. After the initial shock I knew the only way for Roger and I as his caregiver to survive this journey was to get into faith! My mom gave us every CD and every book you could imagine on healing and standing on God’s word. A huge faith booster for us was Sandra Kennedy! I highly recommend her teachings for anyone struggling with faith and healing. I was desperate to find a church that believed in healing. New England tends to be a dry place for the word of God. Yes there are a few good churches here and there but not like down south, the Bible belt! That’s where Sandra Kennedy’s ministry was and we even considered driving down there to have Roger prayed over. Then it came to me, call Pastor Sean to pray over Roger! So we did, about two weeks after Roger came home from the hospital. Pastor Sean and his brother Scott, both of whom I hadn’t seen in about four years came to our home, no questions asked. Before Pastor Sean prayed over Roger, he said the sinner’s prayer with him. Though Roger said it with my mom and I in the hospital before his surgery, we wanted to be double sure of his salvation!! We were after all dealing with a death sentence. We all gathered and prayed over Roger heavily! Pastor Sean prayed over Roger for a healing and rebuked the devil off of him. I can’t say Roger felt any different or heard anything after Pastor Sean and Scott prayed over him, but Roger just believed he was healed and that is when our journey of absolute faith began. It’s been a little over a year now, according to statistics, 1-3 years, he could be dead now. Roger’s bi-monthly MRI scans have been clear! I have to give some credit to western medicine, technology and good doctors! Roger wouldn’t be here without them! He has been through many therapies and still continues treatments. He has had to give up his lifelong career of working as an HVAC/plumber technician due to a right side of weakness from the brain surgery and his inability to drive right now. However, this journey isn’t over nor will it ever be until we leave this earth. We all know the devil will try to come back, try to make us doubt what God has done. This is why Roger and I have decided to surrender everything to Jesus to totally trust in Him! We believe Roger will be restored 100%. Jesus died not only for sin but for sickness and disease too. If we will only believe and receive what Jesus has already done on the cross it is ours and no devil on earth can steal it from us!


Abundant Grace Church located at 127 Rockingham Rd (Rt 28) in Derry will be having it's 4th Annual Family Crusade!!! Come join us on August 28-31 at 7pm for wholesome Christian entertainment


Abundant Grace Church will be having their 4th annual Family Crusade on August 28th thru the 31st each night at 7pm. Please click on the link below for more information about this event!


Ecclesiates 11:1 & 4 - Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.


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Restaurants in der nähe

Auch diese Restaurants in der Nähe ansehen:

Moo's Place Ice Cream
27 Crystal Ave, AND Route 111&15 Ermer Rd Salem NH, Derry
MaryAnns Restaurant
29 E Broadway, Derry
Frühstück, Brunch, Familiengerecht
How's Your Onion?
91 W Broadway, Derry
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch
Cask & Vine
1 E Broadway, Derry
Sabatino's North
1 East Broadway, Derry
Europäisch, Italienisch
Amphora Restaurant
55 Crystal Ave, Derry
Asiatisch, Europäisch, Griechisch, Mittelöstlich
Derry Restaurant and Pizza
111 W Broadway, Derry
Amerikanisch, Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
Heritage Restaurant
91 West Broadway, Derry
USA Subs
66 Crystal Ave, Derry
Fast Food
Papa B'S Southside Diner
127 Rockingham Road, Derry
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch
Brooklyn Bagel House
11 Manchester Rd Unit 4, Derry
Frühstück, Brunch
Applebee's Grill + Bar
14 Manchester Rd, Derry
Sumo Sushi
55 Crystal Ave Unit 24, Derry
Asiatisch, Sushi
The Lobster Claw Restaurant.
4 S Main St, Derry
Fast Food, Meeresfrüchte
Rigatonys Italian Takeout
38 W Broadway, Derry
Europäisch, Italienisch
La Herradura Derry New Hampshire
158 Rockingham Rd unit 5, Derry
C & K Restaurant
3 E Broadway, Derry
Amerikanisch, Europäisch, Familiengerecht, Griechisch
La Carreta Derry
35 Manchester Rd, Derry
Lateinamerikanisch, Mexikanisch
Five Guys
61 Crystal Ave, Derry
Asiatisch, Burger, Fast Food
122 E Broadway, Derry
Asiatisch, Chinesisch
Blue House Pizza
21 Birch St, Derry
Comfort Food, Fast Food, Pizza
Steve and James Tavern
187 Rockingham Rd, Derry
45 Crystal Ave, Derry
Asiatisch, Frühstück, Brunch, Burger, Fast Food
Jake D's Roast Beef, Pizza & Wings
14 W Broadway, Derry
Amerikanisch, Comfort Food, Fast Food, Pizza
Bill's Breakfast and Grill
150' S.E. of Sebastian Summer Resort, Derry
Frühstück, Brunch, Fast Food
Hotels in der nähe

Auch diese Hotels in der Nähe ansehen:

Rockywold Deephaven Camps
18 Bacon Rd, Holderness
Hütte, Hotel Resort
Tilton Inn and Onions Pub & Restaurant
255 Main St, Tilton
The White Mountain Hotel & Resort
87 Fairway Drive, North Conway
Hotel Resort
Church Landing
281 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith
Adventure Suites
3440 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway
Hotel, Gasthaus
Mill Falls at the Lake
312 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith
Hotel Resort, Gasthaus
Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa
101 Mt. View Road, Whitefield
Madison Beach Hotel
94 W Wharf Rd, Madison
Hotel Resort
Road's End Farm
149 Jackson Hill Rd, Chesterfield
Hotel & Hütte
Stonehurst Manor
3351 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway
Hotel Resort
The Lake House at Ferry Point
100 Lower Bay Rd, Sanbornton
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel, Gasthaus
Inn at Sunset Hill
231 Sunset Hill Rd, Sugar Hill
The New England Inn
336 NH Route 16A, Intervale
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Resort, Gasthaus
Yawkey Family Inn
241 Kent St, Brookline
Hotel & Hütte
Cranmore Inn
80 Kearsarge St, North Conway
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel
Wolfeboro Inn
90 N Main St, Wolfeboro
Hotel Northampton
36 King St, Bristol
North Conway Grand Hotel
72 Common Ct, North Conway
Hotel Resort
Chesterfield Inn
20 Cross Rd, West Chesterfield
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel, Gasthaus
Steele Hill Resorts
516 Steele Hill Rd, Sanbornton
Hotel Resort
The Margate on Winnipesaukee
76 Lake St, Laconia
Strandresort, Hotel Resort
Foxwoods Resort Casino
350 Trolley Line Blvd, Orford
Hotel Resort
Red Jacket Mountain View Resort & Water Park
2251 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway
Hotel Resort
Kahuna Laguna Water Park
2251 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway
Hotel Resort
Comfort Inn & Suites
2001 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway
Immobilienmakler in der nähe
Hair salons in der nähe

Auch diese Hair salons in der Nähe ansehen:

Advanced Hair etc.
61 Crystal Ave, Derry
Schönheitsfachgeschäft, Haarsalon
Firefly Salon
35 Manchester Rd, Unit 10a, Derry
Schönheitsfachgeschäft, Haarsalon
Exotic 9 nails
30 Crystal Ave, Ste 6, Derry
Lavish Salon
158 Rockingham Road, Derry
Salon Eleganza
10 Manchester Rd, Derry
Schönheitsfachgeschäft, Haarsalon
Bonne Vie Salon and Spa
16 Route 111, Derry
Haarverlängerungsservice, Haarsalon
Polished Beautique
16 Manning street, unit 102, Derry
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
Oasis Salon by Bea
18 E Broadway, Derry
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Fine Lines Barber Shop
7 A St, Derry
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Salon Tuscany
108 W Broadway, Derry
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
Salon Bellamia
40 Crystal Avenue Unit 1B, Derry
Ettore Salon
62 W Broadway, Derry
Taylor at Firefly Salon
35 Manchester Rd, Derry
Freya Beauty At Salon Bellamia
40 Crystal Ave, 1B, Derry
Simply Cuts And More
29 Crystal Ave, Derry
The Chop Shop
47 Birch St, Derry
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
The Ultimate Attraction Hair Salon
6 West Broadway Unit 4, Derry
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
Lyons Mane
8 Birch st, Derry
Amy at Salon Bellamia
40 crystal ave unit 1b, Derry
HairDOs by Christina
1 1/2 East Broadway (Revive Salon & Spa), Derry
Hair and Styles by Courtney Beaulieu
Rockingham Mall, Derry
Haarverlängerungsservice, Haarsalon
Hair Repair - Cut, Color & Company 603 434-7563
204 Bypass 28, Derry
Barber Shop, Haarsalon, Hautpflegeservice
Alicia at Firefly Salon
35 Manchester Rd, # 10a, Derry
The Beauty Badass
61 Crystal Ave, Derry
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarverlängerungsservice, Haarsalon
All American Barber Shop
11 E Broadway, Derry
Barber Shop, Haarsalon